Each morning is a new adventure – Life is what you make of it !
It is so exciting to open your eyes and start the day, by discovering who or what is next to you in bed, sprawled out on your floor, and curled up in your chair. It’s my own personalized “Where’s Waldo” game.
Chances are good, that at least one dog and one kid will be present in the room. Variables are numerous, and include; temperature, day of the week, alcohol consumption, order in which family members arrived home, & how quiet they were upon entering – just to name a few.
Once you have checked the usual spots in your bedroom – then you can move to the other floors of the house. The ultimate goal of the game is to assure each child you gave birth to is safe and secure, but it also can double as a “keep Alzheimer’s away” exercise. As you go along your perimeter check, count up all the Kilowatts of energy you paid for all night long, as you turn off every light & electronic component that you own. Adding up these large numbers will help keep your neurotransmitters in top working condition.
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