Oh dog balls

Dear Gentle Reader, today's story may be a bit uncomfortable for some, but in the name of science, I feel I am duty bound to proceed.

We are the proud owner of an, I believe 8 month old, special needs Great Dane puppy.  (Do not let the fact that he has only been here 7 months & I have already lost track of how old he is, and am calling him Clyde (the last great Dane's name) 75% of the time, lead you to believe, that he is not, a more or less, cherished  member of our family.)

Yes he has chewed up to 5 holes in various walls for unknown reasons, yes we have bid adieu to a room or two of carpet, yes he takes stupid to a whole new level, yes all residents and several used to be frequent guests, have needed a bath towel to take care of unfortunate drool incidents, and  yes he does have a 12 inch long tongue that somehow always seems to fall out of his mouth, and  flop on your arm when you pet him.... But in our happy twisted little circle,  he is probably most widely recognized, for his ever growing, soon to require their own zip code, no no special place, future puppy holders. 

While we have always had large breed male dogs, we have also always done our part to stop the leg humping epidemic, by promptly neutering Fido on his 6 month birthday.  But when we got Max, the breeders, who have been raising Danes for 15 years said, they believe it is better for the pups
to get a full years worth of testosterone to help keep them healthy.  It sounded reasonable, so we agreed to hold off until his first birthday - with the clear understanding that one wrong move and it
would be under the knife!

We now spends bits of our time observing, with frightened awe, Max, as all of him, continues to grow, and grow. Several family members have been known, on occasion, to take a picture or two, of the aforementioned subjects, and throw them into the family group text, and yes maybe once I did send a close up, with no identifiable extra features to a certain offspring, who got on my nerves that morning before school, but this is all uncharted territory, done in the name of scientific research.

So as we watch, and wait to see what will happen next, we debate which fruit, the aforementioned objects closest resemble, (we have been at Kiwi for almost a week now, for those of you playing along at home).  Oh and rest assured, there is no need for stolen glances, sneaking a peek, or awkward invasive maneuvers, good ole Max loves nothing more than to spend his non chewing, drooling, down time, sleeping on his back with his legs spread wide open for all the world to see. 

Be careful if you ask me how the new dog is, you may get more of an answer than you bargained for.

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