Happy Mothers Day from #4

For Mothers Day, I asked each kid to write a letter why they liked being a "Dibbles".
Here is # 4's response:

Dear Mama Dibbles
Since ancient times the Dibbles’ have had many rituals. Now today the rituals include the youngest dressing up like a leprechaun and asking drunk people to take a picture for $2 . (A reason why I like to be a Dibbles) 
Usually young children around 8-12 aren’t a loud to watch rated R movies or play video games that have a lot of blood in them. In the Dibbles house they’re fine with you playing any game. (A reason I love to be a Dibbles)
My last reason I like to be a Dibbles is because we’re not babied. This is why I love to be a Dibbles.   
        LOVE your son #4

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